Warehouse Monitoring
Order FulfillmentBizCourier.eu uses state-of-the-art advanced technology that makes the execution of dispatch, delivery and returns simple and yet extremely efficient.
CONTACT USReady to outsource your fulfillment?Visit our website or contact us directly and our experts in the field will review your products, inventory needs, target market and be there for you on hand to answer all your queries, with the aim to provide a custom quotation.
INVENTORY SET UPDetail plus accuracyDue to the fact that the receiving of products, retaining product samples, rotating stock are tasks which call for meticulous attention to detail, our warehouse teams, in cooperation with our customized Warehouse Management System, handle all of these processes and help you manage your inventory worldwide in real-time.
PROCESS ORDERSPick, Pack, Ship, DeliverPrior to going live with your orders, your account manager and our development team will collaborate with you to process
test orders to ensure that all systems are fully integrated and operational.
TRACK YOUR INVENTORY IN REAL TIMEManaging logistics the RIGHT wayAt BIZ we are fully aware that managing logistics in the most effective and correct manner requires a great deal of time and resources. Therefore, fortunately for our customers, we installed an international logistics infrastructure that makes worldwide fulfillment easy
TRACK DELIVERYSee in real time where your products are locatedLogin to track the status of your shipments, create a personal watch list, and filter shipments to view any details you wish.
REAL TIME UPDATE OF RETURNED PRODUCTSReverse Logistics ServiceOur Reverse Logistics Service takes the guess-work out of product returns. Making use of our system, you will be able to view in real time when your products are returned and become available for sale, again. |